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Sänd information

Pallet stop, rubber

Kod: 90-87100

Leveranstid: 2-5 arb.dagar

546 SEK

Exkl. moms

  • Dimensions W x Wx H (mm) 310x310x40.
  • Unique stop-it brake in rubber that holds all types of pallet trucks in place during transport or simply keeps them in a permanent place in the workplace when they are not in use.
  • Suitable for all hand pallet trucks and weighting trucks.

Visa/Dölja ytterligare information
  • Dimensions W x Wx H (mm) 310x310x40.
  • Unique stop-it brake in rubber that holds all types of pallet trucks in place during transport or simply keeps them in a permanent place in the workplace when they are not in use.
  • Suitable for all hand pallet trucks and weighting trucks.