LagerExperten Webbutiken

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Mustamäe tee 18A

10617 Tallinn, Estland



Tel: +372 6 722 380

Fax: +372 6 722 381

GSM: +372 52 66 297

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Sänd information

Justerbara skridskor, 6 T.

Kod: 90-57726

Leveranstid: 2-5 arb.dagar

3630 SEK

Exkl. moms

  • Dimensions L x W x H (mm) 300x250x115.
  • Capacity 2x3 tonnes.
  • Wheels polyurethane 90x85.
  • Number of wheels 8.
  • Strong and flexible machine rollers for handling of heavy goods weighing between 2 and 24 tonnes.
  • All of them have a loading surface covered in rubber to protect the transported goods.
  • Supplied in sets where each set consists of two machine rollers and two steel rods.
  • CM60-N can be set at between 500 and 1400 mm.
  • Weight 30 kg.

Visa/Dölja ytterligare information
  • Dimensions L x W x H (mm) 300x250x115.
  • Capacity 2x3 tonnes.
  • Wheels polyurethane 90x85.
  • Number of wheels 8.
  • Strong and flexible machine rollers for handling of heavy goods weighing between 2 and 24 tonnes.
  • All of them have a loading surface covered in rubber to protect the transported goods.
  • Supplied in sets where each set consists of two machine rollers and two steel rods.
  • CM60-N can be set at between 500 and 1400 mm.
  • Weight 30 kg.